
  • Psychologist, lic.phil I.

    Studies in Psychology, minor subject Economics, University of Zürich, Graduation in 2002

  • Postgraduate studies in Mediation, CAS, 2013 (Institute for Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding ICP Bern)

Work experience
  • Applied european research, Ambient intelligent technologies, (UPK Basel)

  • Neurophysiological diagnostics (Klinik Bethesda, Tschugg)

  • Psychosocial care (Kanton Bern & Fondation Battenberg)

  • Sleep medicine (Schlafzentrum am Lindenhofspital, Bern; Schlaflabor Fluntern, Zürich)

  • Senn, T., Sulzenbacher, H., Meise, U., Estoppey, K., Mager, R., Müller-Spahn, F., & Bullinger, A. H. (2004). "Ethical Conduct within the ISLANDS Project." Neuropsychiatrie, 18(S2), 106-109.

  • Sulzenbacher, H., Bullinger, A. H., Senn, T., Bekiaris, E., & Meise, U. (2004). "Telepsychiatry and e-Mental Health: Electronic Telecommunication in Psychiatry." Neuropsychiatrie, 18(S2), 64-74.

  • Bullinger, A. H., Senn, T., Bekiaris, E., Meise, U., Mager, R., Müller-Spahn, F., & Sulzenbacher, H. (2004). "The ISLANDS Treatment Scenarios and Service Batches." Neuropsychiatrie, 18(S2), 93-100.

Thomas Senn

Psychologist, lic. phil I, university of zürich

Participant in the drawing up of the Code of practice, that will detail the AI Act rules for providers of general-purpose AI models,
organised by the European AI Office of the European Commission.

- swiss psychological society, SPs.
- European AI alliance group of futurium by the european commission

Mediator, CAS.

About me

I am a psychologist and mediator, driven by a passion for fostering understanding and healing both within individuals and between communities. As a lifelong spiritual seeker and an advocate for world peace, I integrate my psychological expertise with a deep belief in cooperation, harmony, and the interconnectedness of all life. As a compassionate friend of animals and a critical thinker, I founded Psychologie Senn, where I also use AI technologies to create a more peaceful and cooperative world.

When I have the opportunity, I like to play ping pong

For the creation of this site I partly used AI.