Psychologist, lic.phil I.
Studies in Psychology, minor subject Economics, University of Zürich, Graduation in 2002
Postgraduate studies in Mediation, CAS, 2013 (Institute for Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding ICP Bern)
Work experience
Applied european research, Ambient intelligent technologies, (UPK Basel)
Neurophysiological diagnostics (Klinik Bethesda, Tschugg)
Psychosocial care (Kanton Bern & Fondation Battenberg)
Sleep medicine (Schlafzentrum am Lindenhofspital, Bern; Schlaflabor Fluntern, Zürich)
Senn, T., Sulzenbacher, H., Meise, U., Estoppey, K., Mager, R., Müller-Spahn, F., & Bullinger, A. H. (2004). "Ethical Conduct within the ISLANDS Project." Neuropsychiatrie, 18(S2), 106-109.
Sulzenbacher, H., Bullinger, A. H., Senn, T., Bekiaris, E., & Meise, U. (2004). "Telepsychiatry and e-Mental Health: Electronic Telecommunication in Psychiatry." Neuropsychiatrie, 18(S2), 64-74.
Bullinger, A. H., Senn, T., Bekiaris, E., Meise, U., Mager, R., Müller-Spahn, F., & Sulzenbacher, H. (2004). "The ISLANDS Treatment Scenarios and Service Batches." Neuropsychiatrie, 18(S2), 93-100.

Thomas Senn
Psychologist, lic. phil I, university of zürich
Participant in the drawing up of the Code of practice, that will detail the AI Act rules for providers of general-purpose AI models,
organised by the European AI Office of the European Commission.
- swiss psychological society, SPs.
- European AI alliance group of futurium by the european commission
Mediator, CAS.

About me
I am a psychologist and mediator, driven by a passion for fostering understanding and healing both within individuals and between communities. As a lifelong spiritual seeker and an advocate for world peace, I integrate my psychological expertise with a deep belief in cooperation, harmony, and the interconnectedness of all life. As a compassionate friend of animals and a critical thinker, I founded Psychologie Senn, where I also use AI technologies to create a more peaceful and cooperative world.
When I have the opportunity, I like to play ping pong
For the creation of this site I partly used AI.

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